ESS-DIVE Reporting Format for Soil Respiration
This documentation contains guidance for the content and format of ESS-DIVE soil respiration data and metadata reporting format. This reporting format has been developed to meet the needs of the community for a unified reporting format. This initial effort covers the most common variables and provides templates for metadata reporting.
Getting started
Ready to use the reporting format? Click here for detailed instructions
How to contribute
This reporting format is constantly evolving to meet the needs of the community. To contribute or provide feedback to ESS-DIVE's soil respiration data and metadata reporting format:
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Choose from one of the provided templates, modeled from the Darwin Core, or create your own
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Copyright information
This soil respiration data and metadata reporting format is licensed under CC BY 4.0.
Funding and acknowledgements
Funding for the development of ESS-DIVE's soil respiration data and metadata reporting format was provided by the US Department of Energy (DOE), Biological and Environmental Research Program, Earth and Environmental Systems Sciences Division, Data Management.
The format was developed with input and feedback from subject experts, including data collectors, data scientists, data users, and instrument manufacturers. Thank you all!
Recommended Citation
Bond-Lamberty B., Christianson, D., Crystal-Ornelas R. Mathes, K., & Pennington S.C. (2021): ESS-DIVE reporting format for field measurements of soil respiration. Environmental Systems Science Data Infrastructure for a Virtual Ecosystem, ESS-DIVE repository.
Related Citations
Darwin Core maintenance group, Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) (2014). Darwin Core. Zenodo. 10.5281/zenodo.592792
Bond-Lamberty, B., Christianson, D. S., Crystal-Ornelas, R., Mathes, K., and Pennington, S. C.: A reporting format for field measurements of soil respiration, Ecol. Inform., 62, 101280, 2021. 10.1016/j.ecoinf.2021.101280
Last updated
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